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    The EIB has worked with Madagascar since 1970.

    Our activities have focused on financing key infrastructure projects that make an impact and bring greater prosperity. A few examples include the reconstruction of urban roads and dams after the 2015 storms, strategic roads in the northern and southern parts of the country, as well as the completion of the Antananarivo ring road.

    We are also committed to improving health and hygiene conditions: the Antananarivo Drinking Water supply project will bring clean, safe water to Malagasy homes. 

    Additionally, through our local partner financial institutions, thousands of micro and small entrepreneurs were able to access loans at favourable conditions to start up or expand their businesses.

    At a glance

    The EIB provides finance and expertise for sound and sustainable investment projects in Madagascar.

    EIB activity in Madagascar by sector

    (since start of operations)

    EIB stories in Madagascar

    Individual stories speak far louder than figures and charts. Discover how our work improves the quality of life in Madagascar and beyond

    Get EIB support in Madagascar

    We can provide you with various types of financing to implement projects that promote growth and jobs in your country. We support small businessesinnovationclimate and infrastructure. Get an overview of the whole EIB Group product range

    Do you need a loan to finance your project?

    If you are a public authority and need a loan over EUR 25m, contact us directly at:

    If you need a loan below EUR 25m,
    Contact our local partners

    Do you have a question?

    For enquiries regarding the financing facilities, activity, organisation and objectives of the EIB,
    Contact the Information Desk

    Tel.  +352 4379-22000
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    Press office
    Tel.  +352 4379-21000