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    The agriculture and bioeconomy sector is a key contributor to economic growth in the world’s rural and coastal regions. It plays a vital role in food security, healthy diets and resilience to climate change. It is also the backbone for local entrepreneurship, employment and social development in many countries around the world.

    At the European Investment Bank (EIB), we finance projects across the agricultural, fisheries, food, and forestry value chains, focusing on food quality and security, sustainable rural development, climate-smart production, innovation, and resource efficiency. We foster innovative and sustainable bio-resource pathways that are critical for greening the economy. 

    Through our long-term financing and technical advice, we

    • benefit farmers, private enterprises and society as a whole
    • promote environmental sustainability
    • lower agriculture’s CO2 emissions

    €5 bn

    provided annually by the EIB to the agriculture and bioeconomy sector

    Our goals

    Through our support, we address the needs and challenges of modern agriculture:


    a growing population


    a livelihood for farmers


    the environment

    Our priorities

    We invest in projects that:

    • Develop innovative, sustainable agricultural practices and technologies
    • Make food production more sustainable and efficient
    • Enhance access to finance for farmers, micro-enterprises and small businesses

    In focus

    A fresh idea

    The EIB supports CrowdFarming, a platform that connects consumers with farmers who grow products without pesticides. Its direct-selling model promotes fresh food and sustainable agriculture that cuts emissions and delivers profits to small, organic farmers.

    Together we work towards a more sustainable food supply chain.

    Études de cas

    Les récits authentiques illustrent mieux nos réalisations que les politiques générales.
    Découvrez l’impact des projets que nous soutenons.

    Nous contacter

    Avez-vous besoin d’un financement ou d'une assistance technique pour votre projet ?

    La BEI propose un large éventail de produits financiers, ainsi que des services d’assistance technique par l’intermédiaire de la Plateforme européenne de conseil en investissement et du Centre européen d’expertise en matière de PPP (EPEC).

    Vous avez des questions ?

    Pour en savoir plus sur les mécanismes de financement, l’activité, l’organisation et les objectifs de la BEI, contactez notre bureau d’information.
    Tél. +352 4379-22000
    Foire aux questions

    Êtes-vous un(e) journaliste ?

    Contactez notre service de presse
    Tél. +352 43791