The EIB has worked with Jordan since 1979. The Bank operates in Jordan in line with the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and other EU bilateral agreements.
In the public sector, we target sustainable investments in the areas of water, energy, transport, urban development and health. For example, we have helped finance water supply projects, securing access to drinking water in a country that suffers severely from water scarcity. In addition, we are providing €260 million for the construction, upgrade and improvement of various water supply components in several governorates in the country in line with the Government’s investment priorities.
We also support the improvement of the existing water supply systems of the Deir Alla and Al Karameh districts as well as Jordan’s health sector by providing financing to the Ministry of Health in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our ultimate goal is to improve the lives of Jordanian people by improving public services, economic conditions and access to affordable credit. In the private sector, the EIB focuses on providing funding to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as microfinance and private equity funds, and empowering entrepreneurs.
Through the Risk Capital Facility, we support Microfund for Women, helping 8000 people, of which more than 80% are women, including from Syria, to start their own micro-business and overcome poverty. Furthermore, we have helped finance local small businesses and mid-caps through a €300 million regional agreement with Arab Bank, a €100 million line of credit to Housing Bank for Trade and Finance and a €70 million loan to Capital Bank of Jordan.
At a glance
The EIB provides finance and expertise for sound and sustainable investment projects in Jordan.
3,39 Mrd. €
Projektgeschichten aus Jordanien
Geschichten sagen mehr als Strategien. Erfahren Sie, wie die Arbeit der Bank die Lebensqualität der Menschen in Jordanien verbessert.
Der Weg zur EIB
Wir bieten verschiedene Finanzierungsprodukte für kleine Unternehmen und für Projekte in den Bereichen Innovation, Klima und Infrastruktur. Damit tragen wir zu Wachstum und Beschäftigung in Jordanien bei. Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht über das gesamte Produktspektrum der EIB-Gruppe*
* These products refer to EIB activity worldwide and may not apply to EIB operations in the Southern Neighbourhood.
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