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    A focus on impact

    EIB Global’s central goal is to increase its impact, in alignment with EU priorities. We finance sound projects developed to high standards, using our technical and financial expertise to promote inclusive and sustainable investment in partner countries.

    Our products and services

    We offer innovative financing solutions, as well as technical and financial expertise for projects that are good for people and planet.

    We offer loans, guarantees and equity investments for clients of all sizes

    We share our technical and financial expertise with our clients

    Our partnerships leave a lasting impact in developing countries

    Global solutions

    From climate action to inclusive growth, explore how the projects we finance address today’s global challenges.

    Challenge: Low-income countries are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, including extreme weather, drought and flooding. Among the areas most at-risk are Sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and small island-nations in the Caribbean and the Pacific.

    Solution: In 2023, our climate action and environmental sustainability financing accounted for 53% of our total spending in these regions, surpassing our 2025 target of 50% ahead of schedule.


    Challenge: Small and medium businesses form the backbone of economies worldwide. Yet for many, it is difficult to access finance. Only 20% have access to a line of credit or a loan with a formal financial institution.

    Solution: Supporting small and medium businesses is key to tackling gaps in access to finance and financial services. In 2023, we helped sustain an estimated 5.4 million jobs worldwide through loans to small businesses by microfinance institutions.


    Challenge: Women still earn around 25% less than men. Nearly a billion women also do not have a bank account, making up 55% of unbanked adults worldwide, according to the International Monetary Fund. This limits their ability to secure loans, contributing to their economic disenfranchisement.

    Solution: Advancing women’s equality in banking and the workplace could add as much as $28 trillion to the global economy by 2025. That’s why we launched SheInvest in 2019 to boost investments that help women get loans and run businesses across Africa. Since the beginning of the initiative, we have mobilised more than €2 billion in gender-lens investing.

    EcoEnterprises Fund

    Challenge: Today, nearly a quarter of the world’s population live in fragile or conflict-affected contexts or areas, driven by crises including armed conflict, forced displacement, food insecurity and climate change.

    Solution: We have a long record of supporting human rights and investing in fragile and conflict-affected areas worldwide. In Colombia, we signed a €136 million loan with the bank Bancóldex to finance private-sector projects that support the country’s peace process through inclusive growth, job creation and poverty reduction in areas severely affected by fighting.

    In focus

    Financing across the globe

    Our key investments around the world help create stability, sustainable growth and fight climate change everywhere. In 2023, we invested €8.44 billion beyond the European Union.

    The current crises require that these billions turn into trillions this decade by working with new partners, global financial institutions and the private sector.

    Global stories

    Individual stories speak far louder than figures and charts. Learn how our work improves lives worldwide.

    Our publications

    Understanding the global landscape is key to taking action. Explore our latest research, economic studies, surveys and other resources.

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