MED 5P (Public-Private Partnership Project Preparation in the Southern and Eastern MEDiterranean) is an advisory facility created
- to support public authorities in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia in the preparation, procurement and implementation of PPP infrastructure projects.
MED 5P can fund legal, technical and financial advisory services for the preparation of an individual PPP project. It can support projects at different stages of maturity, from potential PPPs in need of a pre-feasibility assessment to transactions at a more advanced stage of preparation that require advice for their structuring, procurement and implementation. Besides the financial support to fund advisory services, MED 5P can also provide technical support for the procurement process and supervision of the consultancies funded by MED 5P grants.
MED 5P is a joint initiative funded by the European Union (through the Neighbourhood Investment Facility of the EuropeAid directorate) and led by the European Investment Bank in collaboration with the other MED 5P partner organisations: the Agence Française de Développement, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau Bankengruppe, and the Union for the Mediterranean (observer).
In order to access MED 5P support, potential beneficiaries work together with a MED 5P partner organisation to select a good candidate PPP project and to define the advisory services or technical support required to take forward its preparation.
The EIB is happy to support public authorities in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia in the identification of PPP projects that could benefit from MED 5P grants and assistance and in the structuring of proposals.
The MED 5P brochure contains more detailed information on how to access MED 5P support through the EIB. Direct enquiries can be addressed to